Pizza Bagels
Pizza Bagels
What the heck, I can’t believe I forgot about these till like two weeks ago. Hello? Pizza in less than 15 minutes? Uh…okay, don’t mind if I do.
But actually, I’m so happy I started making these again. Total game changer for those days where I don’t wanna put that much time or thought into making something to eat.
These are also great because they’re totally open to creative interpretation and whatever you’ve got on-hand— let this recipe merely guide you (towards the pantry so you can make one for yourself).
{Difficulty: Level 1} [Makes 1+ Pizza Bagel]
Ingredient Suggestions
your favorite Bagels
Pasta or Pizza Sauce
Garlic Powder
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Vegetable Oil Spray
Nutritional Yeast (optional)
Oven or Toaster Oven
Turn your oven’s broiler to low and toast your Bagel so (at least) the portion that gets slathered with Sauce is nice and crisp. Move the oven rack lower, if needed.
Once that’s done, spoon some Sauce onto the Bagel, then follow with whatever Cheeze or Veggies you’re using. Top the whole thing off with some Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper, and Nutritional Yeast, then give the whole thing a good spritz of Vegetable Oil.
Stick this back in the oven, either directly on the rack— if you’re feeling bold— or on a cookie sheet. Keep an eye on it. Once the Cheeze is melty and your Veggies are looking good, take it out.
Grab a dish or eat this straight off the pan! Enjoy!
Don’t be limited by this Broccoli depiction! Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, Spinach, Peppers, Olives, and Pineapple are all fair game. Plus, whatever else you wanna throw on there, honestly.
I suggest setting and resetting a timer every 3 minutes so you don’t accidentally burn this to a crisp— if, you know, you’re prone to getting distracted like me.
* When it comes to vegan cheese, I like to use Daiya, Follow Your Heart, or Violife brand.
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