Grace's Summer Snack List: 2022
favorite easy snacks! — grab-n-go and low effort eats
snacks of the summer
You wanna know what snacks have been at the top of my shopping list this summer season?
I'm *so* glad you asked.
I often fixate on certain foods or meals for a few months. I eat them almost every single day, then completely forget about them—or get sick of them—for like, years at a time.
Instead of letting all my snacky favorites live and perish like forgotten Veggies in a crisper, I'm sharing them here with you.
This summer, my snack drawer is a revival of childhood favs with a sprinkle of newer thrills.
Let me know if this inspires any new favs, or reignites any old ones!
adorable photo by JÉSHOOTS
01. still-frozen Grape Uncrustables
A lunchtime staple of elementary school has finally made its return to my life and I'm not letting it go anytime soon.
When I was visiting my family during my inaugural "post-vaccination trip" last summer, my sister reminded me of these flavorful pillows of goodness. I've been eating them ever since.
Enjoy these little crustless pockets of Peanut Butter and Jelly right out of the freezer, like I do, or throw em in your to-go bag when you're out and about.
For the record I absolutely, 100%, prefer them frozen. The icebox gives the Peanut Butter this awesome chewiness, while the sugar in the Jam keeps it to a nice and cool Jelly consistency.
If you're not a fan of the mouthfeel of PB but like the flavor, try em frozen. And opt for the Strawberry flavor if Grape isn't your thing (I won't be offended).
02. Agua de Tamarindo
It's not really a snack, I know. This easy, sweet-n-tart drink is a regular on extra-hot days, so I just had to include it.
Make Agua de Tamarindo from scratch↗ for optimal flavor, or try this rift on the Mexican classic:
a very simple agua de tamarindo recipe
Mix a few spoonfuls of Tamarind Paste, a few spoonfuls of Sugar, and a bit of Water—stirred together till the Sugar dissolved. Top with a handful or two of Ice Cubes, more Water, then stir it all up again. And that’s it!
I like to drink this with a straw because the Tamarind Paste settles over time. I use the straw to mix things up when my cup is too full to give a proper "Wine swirl".
A sprinkle of Salt or a Tajin-lined cup edge really takes this up a notch, but it's delicious in its simplest form, too.
This lovely lil drink was mentioned in issue 002. of the bites and pieces newsletter.
Subscribe now if you haven't already!
03. Toasted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptarts, Unfrosted
Yet another childhood classic, revived. I used to eat these all the time as a kid, forgot about them for years, and am absolutely thrilled about them once again.
Poptarts are one of those foods, like Uncrustables, that actually held up in adulthood.
The warm sugary smell wafting up from the toaster is just so cozy—it genuinely gets me so jazzed whenever I make em.
I love these pastries at night as a sweet lil dessert. The real game-changer, though, is adding the sweet treat to my newly-reignited afternoon coffee break. Highly recommend.
i was too eager to take this out of the toaster and the bottom poptart ripped in half. don’t be like me. wait for them to cool before removing.
04. Mango or Strawberry Popsicles w Tajin
I love just a classic, simple, fruit-forward Popsicle. I also like to mix it up sometimes.
The way I’ve enjoyed these sweet lil Popsicles lately is to let em' get a little melty, then sprinkle with a generous amount of Tajin. Sometimes an extra sprinkle of Salt if it’s been a particularly hot day.
I typically just buy Popsicles from the store. But! If you've got the zest and the creative Fruit Juice is flowing, they're pretty fun to make at home.
I recommend these Mango Chile Paletas ↗ or Cucumber-Chili Paletas ↗, both from the fantastic, vegan Mexican food blog, Dora's Table.
05. Gochujang Soft Tofu
Is it a snack? Is it a meal? Both? Yes.
Whipping up a quick, hearty dish that's chilled, refreshing, and just a lil spicy is such a nice way to combat the toasty afternoons.
I've been stocking up on Soft Tofu each time I go grocery shopping, so I can always make this in a snap.
Forthcoming issue 003. of the newsletter contains my go-to recipe for Chilled Tofu! Don’t miss it!
This recipe is genuinely very easy, looks fancy, and the flavors are just phenomenal.
Again, make sure you're subscribed ↗ to the newsletter so you can get the details right in your sweet lil inbox.
I did not mean for the angle of this photo to be so wild
06. Special K Red Berries
I rarely opt for cereal so when there's one that catches my attention, it's a big deal.
Special K Red Berries is another fav from childhood, reignited and welcomed with open arms.
I love how the subtle sweetness of the cereal pieces are offset by the tang of freeze-dried Strawberries.
Personally, I think this cereal is best served in a big bowl with chilly Oat Milk. But it's also a tasty on-the-go snack, sealed up in a plastic bag, for beach days and long car rides.
This year, it's become a favorite breakfast, mid-afternoon snack, and sometimes an after-dinner treat. Any time is Special K time!!
07. Tomato Toast!!! (!!!)
YALL it's finally Tomato Season up in the PNW and I've officially enjoyed my first (second, third, fourth, etc) Tomato Toast of the year.
I typically doctor up a slice of Sourdough, but also love a fresh, thick-sliced Multigrain.
I toast the Bread a bit, and slather with a half-inch thick layer of Vegenaise (vegan Mayo), then pile on thick-cut slices of Heirloom Tomatoes.
To finalize this work of art, I sprinkle a generous helping of Flaky Sea Salt.
This is one of those snacky treats that genuinely never gets old for me.
I opt for farmer's market Heirloom Tomatoes because they're the most complex in flavor, often have fewer seeds, preserve biological diversity, and are so dang pretty to look at.
That said, in-season Tomatoes of all kinds are great here. Just make sure they're eaten as fresh as possible for *peak flavor*.
For more Tomato Inspiration, check out this newsletter from Julia Turshen↗. She’s got *so many* wonderful ideas packed in here. Subscribe to her newsletter while you’re at it. It’s truly fantastic.
As with most of my candid food pics, I realized a little too late that I should’ve photographed this beautiful Heirloom Tomato Toast. And yeah that’s Mayo on my hand.
how I remember to eat these snacks
Many of my usual "remembering to eat" methods are outlined in How to Eat When Meds Ruin Your Appetite.
The biggest help for me, though, is that these snacky snacks are frequent flyers on my Staple Meal List↗.
I always recommend folks create a Staple Meal List if they have any trouble remembering what meals they enjoy eating regularly.
And let's face it...that's a lot of us here.
So, if you're interested in making your own Staple Meal List and would like a lil guidance, consider picking up a copy of this new workbook in the shop↗!
It's sliding scale, starting at $6, and takes you through the foundations of a good, personalized Staple Meal List.
If you enjoy these posts and would like to help financially support this project, follow this link to access my Tip Jar on Ko-fi ↗.
Any and all donations are sincerely appreciated!
more easy snacks, meal ideas, and recipes
When the thought of cooking sounds absolutely soul-crushing, try some of these realistic ways to make it a lil bit easier.